C/ Martí nº 5, València 46005

Frequently asked questions

I want you to have as much information as possible before starting any treatment. If you have any other questions, please call or email me.

Between 30/40 minutes. Results can be seen within a few days after the treatment. It is clinically proven that after 7 days you will have porcelain skin.

Perfect treatment to combine with the Core Intima, in just 20 minutes. In this way we treat the pelvic floor. After the session you can continue with your daily life.

Only 3 totally painless sessions and the result is satisfactory and noticeable. Note the evolution since the first treatment session.

AlmaQ is a laser for any type of skin and is also very safe as it protects the skin. It can be done in summer.

Yes, it is a great laser for the summer. After leaving the treatment the patient can be exposed to the sun. I always recommend that they wear sunscreen.

The patient recovers immediately, they can carry out their daily routine after the treatment. It is recommended once a year.